Established in the year 2004, Suraj Premier Convent Higher Secondary School having school code(632521) is situated in shivnagar colony near jain mandir vidisha main road Bhanpur bhopal , It is a MP Board school having CBSE pattern .Bhopal is a top player in the category Schools in the Bhopal. This well-known establishment acts as a one-stop destination servicing Good education to children. It is the best school for a child and their brighter future.
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News & Updates
राष्ट्रीय बालरंग 2022
What does happy parents says
Being the Director of DPS Nacharam, it gives me immense pleasure to see our school endeavoring to do its best in sculpting the child’s convivial, emotional, aesthetic, physical, and perspicacious personality.we always see our students innovative , passionate and creative .
Suraj School is one of the best CBSE pattern school in bhopal , It have all modern facilities like Advance robotic classrooms and smart labs , School always think for the brighter future of childrens .
Dear students a road to prosperity is possible with the amalgamated efforts of all concerned and that culminates into a unique prosperous outcome to be cherished for years to come. This is the dream of one and all at Suraj premier convent higher secondary school which is one of the top schools in Bhopal (Madhya pradesh )
Suraj school is One of the best school with all modern facilities , We are always dream to provide an opportunity to every child in unfolding their capabilities. It is our earnest endeavor to involve 100% students in various school programs like Annual Days at different levels .Everyone must visit at once.
Suraj school is growing day by day in field of education and have all modern developed facilities like Atal tinkering lab by Niti aayog
Director's Desk
A very warm welcome to the SURAJ PREMIER CONVENT HR. SEC. SCHOOL.
Read More...Dear Students and Parents/Guardians of SURAJ PREMIER CONVENT HR.SEC. SCHOOL ,Welcome to the SPCHSS family!
Read More...The Suraj Premier Convent Higher Secondary School has already established itself as a well developed school , School is growing day by day